10 febbraio 2011

The Agency of the Future#2: Christian Lopez, LOLA MADRID.

Sitges Film Festival. 2001. from christian lopez on Vimeo.
Il 22 dicembre stavo guardando un po' di campagne interactive "natalizie" e rimasi piacevolmente sorpreso da una campagna di Lola Madrid, Ilusion450ml, di cui parlava anche Ted. La storia era semplice: "This year in Lola we wanted to give you something special: water. Yes, water, but a water with a different element. A water which contains ilusion*. That is why we have gone to Rovaniemi, Finland, the place where ilusion* is born as well as Christmas. To give you ilusion* for next year." Incuriosito, ho lasciato il mio indirizzo. Dopo una settimana ho ricevuto l'illusione che vedete sopra. Quindi ho deciso subito che avrei intervistato l'agenzia per "The Agency of the Future", la mia rubrica che indaga, attraverso domande a creativi italiani e stranieri, come sarà il nostro futuro. Oggi a risponderci è Christian Lopez, di LOLA (Lowe Madrid) autore della splendida campagna ILUSION 450ml.

1- Hi Christian, which is your tipical workday? 

40%Music, 40% LOL, 10%coffee, 2% cigarretes, 3% water, 1%oranges, 4%nap.

2- Please, give your view on the creative couple. Is it dead?
I don't think this is something it either will die or remains alive. It's an evolving thing.
Creatives feel freer to do anything: sometimes there are teams of 3, others of 5, 2 copywriters, 3 art directors...The most important thing is don't feel yourself opressed. I love to work free without chains, no restrictions.

3- Which are, in your opinion, the perfect way to think in the agency of the future?
Today is the Future. If we pick Mother, for instance, and see that they swap places every now and then may sound like modern, but they have done it for ages. If we talk about ONLINE vs TRADITIONAL: we could never think of an idea from one specific medium anymore. For me, the agency of the future is not inside 4 walls. Should be is constant movement.
www.conquistadors.es is a good example.

4- Which are, in your opinion, the perfect way to work in the agency of the future?
Advertising is no longer advertising but something people like, people talk, and stays away from the basic outdoor or TV. It's everything, mixed, together. A museum, a shop, a drink...

5- Which are in your works, your three best that represent the future?

Ilusion450ml Client: Lola (Lowe Madrid). Agency: Lola (Lowe Madrid).
Christmas Gift. This year in Lola we wanted to give you something special: water. Yes, water, but a water with a different element. A water which contains ilusion*. That is why we have gone to Rovaniemi, Finland, the place where ilusion* is born as well as Christmas. To give you ilusion* for next year.

The Gomero Whistle Client: Bussu.com Agency: La Despensa.
Busuu.com is a web to learn any language online. The problem was that it had no visits at all. The solution was to shoot a documentary film about a rare language where words are not spoken, but whistled: The Gomero Whistle.

Hairy Hands Client: Cadbury.
Agency: The Conquistadors Collective + Publicis Mojo Melbourne.

Grazie Christian!

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